



Guardian Word of the Week: Easy

This week’s word has personal meaning for me, because I have a tendency to make things harder than they need to be.

I’ve noticed that a lot of us do this in one way or another, and I love the idea of all of us focusing on embracing the energy of Easy this week.

It may...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Strong

Last week I was reviewing the edited manuscript of my Guardian Gateway book (coming out this summer!) which includes a story about how a giant Sequoia Tree came to my rescue when I was having a hard day.

The night after I reviewed the chapter with the Sequoia story I happened to have a bad dream....

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Guardian Word of the Week: Whole

This week’s word is a particularly useful tool.

A few days ago one of my sisters gave my elderly dad a new phone. Yesterday morning he woke up early and worked himself into a tizzy trying to use the unfamiliar features on the new phone.

I woke up feeling stressed and overworked, and seeing...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Now

This week our Guardian Word is Now: the beautiful, all-powerful present.

Our thoughts take us up, down, and all around—usually away from the present—but only within the Now can we truly connect with the forces for good that surround us.

This week’s wallpaper image features two...

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Guardian Word of the Week: New

Are you ready for something new?

I am. I’m ready for new experiences, new options, new paths, and new possibilities.

It’s easy to get locked into believing only in the possibilities we’ve experienced in the past. We may need to make a conscious decision in order to open...

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Guardian word of the Week: Hope

Some people are opposed to the idea of “hope.” It can be seen as a substitute for action, or a tool of self-deception.

But, as always with our Guardian Words, we’re not focusing on a mental construct. We are connecting with an actual, living energy field of Hope.


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Guardian Word of the Week: Acceptance

I follow Upworthy (a website dedicated to positive stories) on Instagram. The other day they reposted this post from @slavingia:

“Don’t think you deserve the job? Apply for it anyway.
Don’t think your article is good enough? Publish it anyway.
Don’t think they’ll reply...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Better

Our Guardian word this week is Better. Some of us might associate this word with trying to be “better-than,” always wanting “more, more, more,” asking for too much, or never being satisfied.

But think of it this way: Do you have a friend or family member who always makes...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Infinite

This year has brought us face-to-face with so many limitations and we’ve had to dig deep within ourselves—over and over—to lift ourselves up.

As we close the chapter in our lives that this year represents, it’s time to go even deeper within and ground ourselves forevermore...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Good

This week we open our hearts to a word that is the foundation of everything we seek: Good.

Say it twenty times right now (count on your fingers) and feel its power.

Now try something new. Drop energetic cords (like tree roots) into the Earth, and feel the Earth’s love flowing up through...

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Guardian word of the Week: Comfort

This week I’d like to invite you to open your heart to the energy of Comfort.

The energy of Comfort can enfold us in its living presence any time we ask, and after the year we’ve had, we ALL need to be comforted!

When I Googled the word this is what came up (from Oxford Languages):

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Guardian Word of the Week: Belonging

Engaging with last week’s word (Self-Truth) has prepared us for this week’s Guardian Word of the Week: Belonging.

What was the first thought that came into your mind when you read the word Belonging? Did that thought have a corresponding feeling somewhere in your body?

My first...

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