



Guardian Words of the Week: Beloved Ancestors

This week’s Guardian Words come with a personal story.

When I was writing my book, The Guardian Gateway, I found myself guided to sign up with an ancestry website. I’d never researched my genealogy before (even though I felt connected to my ancestors, and I’d even created an...

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Highest Good

We've all had more than usual to deal with in the last two years, and sometimes it's hard to know the best way to respond to unwanted events. That's where this week's Guardian Words come in. 


Say them with me now: 

Highest Good

Highest Good

Highest Good

Highest Good

Highest Good

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Guardian Word of the Week: Refresh

How do you refresh yourself? Really stop and think about it for a minute.


We all have ways of re-centering or re-balancing ourselves, but refreshing ourselves is something different.


One of the definitions is: “give new strength or energy to.”  Think of this as you...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Here

This week’s word doesn’t seem to have any special qualities. But close your eyes and connect to the energy of “Here” right now:












When I connect to the word this way, I immediately feel more calm, centered, and...

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Guardian Words of the Week: Easy, Fun, and Better!

At this time of year it’s fun to pick a one-word theme for the year ahead. 


This year, the theme I want to experience needs 3 words: Easy, Fun, & Better! 

Easy, Fun, & Better!

Easy, Fun, & Better!

Easy, Fun, & Better!

Easy, Fun, & Better!

Easy, Fun,...

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A Fresh Canvas


There is a Guardian Angel holding the energy of the best and highest realization of each and every year, and this week we honor that Angel as we enter into a brand-new year. 


Feel the presence of the Guardian Angel of 2022 in the room with you right now, and open yourself to...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Present

At this time of year we spend a lot of time focusing on presents, but alongside everything else we’re doing, I’d like for us to turn our focus inward this week.

As you move through this holiday season and the final two weeks of the year, use this week’s Guardian Word to...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Wish

Most definitions of the word, “Wish” say that it has to do with desiring something that’s unobtainable, or unlikely to occur.


But in reality, life can be surprising!


Have you experienced things that were “unlikely to happen” in your own life? I know I...

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Guardian Word of the Week: Solution

Do you believe that every problem has a solution?

If so, let’s use this week to remind ourselves of that together, while we bring the energy of solutions to all our problems. (Note: We don't need to know what the solutions are, we just need to know that they exist!)


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Guardian Word of the Week: Fun

I recently read an article about how some of the most successful business leaders consider their work to be fun. It inspired me to really focus on building more fun into my life.

What do you think of when you read the word fun?











If you connected to the...

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Yes, Thank You!


Before we talk about our Word of the Week, I want to let you know about an awesome podcast I did recently with my new friend Hannah Wallace. Hannah is the host of the Finding Grace Podcast, and we recently spoke about:   


  • How you can connect to your personal Guardian...
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Guardian Words of the Week: The Next Level

Do you believe that life is meant to get better and better as time goes on?

Take a moment to think about it. If you don't think your life is meant to evolving and expanding, what do you believe?

It's easy to fall into patterns of struggle, “just getting by,” or trying to...

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