Partner with Your Childhood Tree

If I ask you to remember a Tree from your childhood, what comes to mind?
When I first asked myself this question, I expected the image of a large weeping willow to come into my mind, because that's the first Tree I remember from my childhood.
We lived in the house with this Tree until I was four-and-a-half years old, and I remember playing in the dark, private space under it, and using its “vines” to create pretend objects when I played make-believe. (Sorry, beautiful Tree!)
But what came into my mind instead of the Weeping Willow was the sycamore Tree that stands in the front yard of the house I grew up in. We moved into this house when I was four-and-a-half, and my parents lived there for over fifty years.
I grew up in the energy field of this Tree.
I think of it now like a beautiful Grandmother Tree watching over my whole family, and I love and appreciate it so much!
Even though my parents have passed on, I still think of this Tree as family, and from time to time I close my eyes and imagine that I’m kissing its trunk the way I did so many times in the past.
When you think of a Tree from your childhood, you may think of a Tree that’s no longer physically present, or you may not even remember a specific Tree.
Either way, allow a Tree to come into your mind now, and trust that it’s the perfect Tree for you to reconnect with.
Take a nice, deep breath, and allow your own energetic roots to go deeply down into the Earth.
As your roots go down, see them moving to connect to the roots of this Tree from your childhood. See the roots intertwining in mutual love and support. Feel the energy of the Earth surrounding these roots with love and nourishment.
Now connect to the energy of your heart and imagine that this Tree from your childhood also has an energetic heart. Allow a bond between these two hearts.
Stay present to this bond as you go through your days. Think of it every morning, and be strengthened and supported by the love you share with this beautiful Tree Being.
Learn more ways to partner with Trees to uplift your life (and the world) in the Tree Spirit Telesummit, almost HALF-OFF for 1 more day!