Vibrational Remedies for Challenging Times

(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)
Just as there is a solution to every problem, there is an evolved, higher-vibration version of everything in your life right now.
And the more you consistently raise your own vibration, the more you’ll find yourself coming into sync with a deeper, richer version of yourself and your life.
We all love the way a high vibration feels, but we usually feel that we have to wait for events outside ourselves to bring it about.
And when outside events bring our vibration down, we forget about our own power to create.
So in this post we’ll focus on 2 tools you can use right now and every day to quickly raise your own vibration and tap back into your power any time you choose.
And when I say, “vibration,” I’m talking about the spiritual frequency you’re sending out.
It changes from moment to moment, depending on the quality of thoughts and feelings you are activating through your current focus.
When you raise your vibration you resonate at a higher frequency, coming into alignment with your Greater Self and the better, more expanded life you are meant to have.
I believe the person you know yourself to be is a part of a greater, eternal being.
I call this “whole self” your Greater Self, and I‘ve come to believe that any area of our lives that's not working is an area in which we are out of alignment with our own Greater Self.
When your vibration is high, you are more connected to your Greater Self, and the more you connect to your Greater Self, the higher your vibration becomes.
Not only do you feel a lot better, but you are suddenly able to see opportunities, solutions, and the highest good coming your way.
Alignment with your Greater Self shows up every day in the changed way you feel, in an improvement in your relationships and finances, in new insights, in a transformed self-image—and in the natural unfolding of your life purpose.
Get a quick sense right now of where are you vibrationally on a scale of 1—10, with 1 being the lowest vibration (feeling the worst) and 10 being the highest vibration (feeling the best). Notice where you fall on that scale, and make a mental note of the number.
#1) Now let's dive into the “Yes Technique,” which gives you a way to tap into the powerful, high vibration of “Yes.”
Right now you might be feeling an energy of “NO!” concerning world events, and saying “Yes!” to the energy of life will put you back into a more empowered state.
Start by grounding yourself into the love of the Earth.
Now focus your awareness on your feet and, holding that awareness, say to yourself, “Yes, yes, yes!”
Do this three or four times, activating the energy of “Yes” within your feet. It will sound like this: “Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
Try not to think as you do this.
Just focus on the energy of “Yes.”
The energy itself will do the work, uplifting you to match its vibration.
Experiment with saying the “Yeses” out loud and silently, and see which way feels most powerful for you.
Now focus on your knees and repeat the process; “Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
Focus on your hips and repeat.
Focus on your stomach and repeat.
Focus on your heart and repeat.
Focus on your throat and repeat.
Focus on your face and head and repeat.
Focus on your shoulders and repeat.
Focus on your spine and repeat.
Focus on your arms and repeat.
Focus on your hands and repeat.
Finish by focusing on your entire body as you repeat.
How do you feel?
#2) Next we’ll focus on what I call “The Blessing Technique.”
I believe that connecting to Source is the most powerful thing you can do to raise your vibration.
The trouble is, a lot of our childhood religious training has left us with conflicting ideas about a higher power.
So for the best results with this technique, leave all the old ideas behind.
Think of Source as the Supreme Consciousness of the Universe, funding you, me, and everything around us with a powerful life-force that is at its essence pure Love.
A powerful way to connect to that love is through bestowing a heart-felt blessing.
When you mindfully bestow a blessing upon anyone or anything, you bring the energy of the blessing into yourself and, through you, out into the world.
The power of the blessing transforms your own energy-field and surrounds the person you are blessing with the energy of the highest good.
And remember, when I say Highest Good I’m talking about the highest good for ALL.
You may have many thoughts of certain people coming into your mind right now.
Focus on the first person who pops into your mind and silently say, from the heart, “I bless you with Source Love and Light.”
Know that you are bringing into the situation the energy of the highest good.
Resist the temptation to start thinking about the person you are blessing.
Just stay connected to your heart energy and to the Source energy that is flowing through you.
Continue on for a few moments, letting people come into your consciousness and blessing them.
Now check in and see where you are on the vibrational scale.
Remember that when you mindfully bestow a blessing upon anyone or anything, you bring the energy of the blessing into yourself and, through you, out into the world.
It's impossible to over-use these techniques, so make them a habit.
You'll be raising your vibrational set-point, which means your spiritual frequency will start out higher and stay higher every day, and you’ll be shining that higher frequency into the world.
And if you want more helping bringing love into the world, you can get my free How to Connect with the Energy of Love Daily Guide
Inside this guide you'll get:
√ A simple daily practice that will help you connect with the living energy of self-love
√ How to create your own 'House of Self-Love,' a powerful activation that will surround you with supportive, nurturing energy every day
…and practical tips to make it easy to integrate self-love into your daily routine.
Learning how to engage with the energy of self-love will help you create a life that’s aligned with your own soul purpose, a life that fits who you truly are on a deep level—and a life that uplifts the world.
Go to to get your free guide.