Learn how you can partner
with our Faery “cousins”
(known in Ireland as the Sidhe)
and bring our world back to wholeness.
Own your own set of
recordings and experience:
The words “Faery” or “Fairy” mean so many different things!
In this event, we’re focusing on the beings known in Ireland as Sidhe: a race of beings who are believed to share a common ancestor with humans (the difference being that we humans chose to incarnate more deeply into matter).
Since our destinies are intertwined, it’s time now to create energetic bridges of connection so that we can work together for the benefit of both.
Even though so much of the folklore originates in Ireland and Scotland, I believe that they live in a parallel realm that we can access from anywhere!
Own mp3 recordings of all the calls PLUS these bonuses:

Welcome! I'm your host, Kim Wilborn, author of the Hay House book, THE GUARDIAN GATEWAY: Working with Unicorns, Dragons, Angels, Tree Spirits, and Other Spiritual Guardians.
The Faery Allies Telesummit is a multi-speaker recorded event that will show you how to build a sacred bridge between us and our Faery cousins.
Together with you, we’re creating a gateway for our Faery Allies to partner with us and bring our world back to wholeness!